Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Officials to Probe Lack of Information

IFL Blog Sabotaged, Homeland Threatened

According to an unnamed official, "The Iowa Farm League Blog has apparently been sabotaged by forces unfriendly to the United States and its interests. We can think of no other reasonable explanation for the recent lack of information at this important blog. For instance, news from two preeminent leagues teams, Hags Hawgs and the Hot Wheelers, has not appeared on the blog for the past three weeks. Young people serving our country at home and abroad rely upon the IFL Blog to follow their favorite teams. For instance, who won the Hot Wheeler of the Week award for the past two weeks? Do the Hawgs have a plan to retake first place? Why has Nook Logan, who led the Hots with a 1.000 OBP through most of April, been dismissed from the team? While some might consider these questions trivial, we know that the very security of our homeland may be at stake."

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